What You Learn When God Sends An Unexpected Visitor

When God Sends You An Unexpected Visitor

When God sends you an expected visitor at your doorstep, what do you do? Have you ever wondered how someone says something you needed to hear? Or maybe that encouraging song that plays the very moment you needed it? Perhaps, you have asked God to give you a confirmation, or better yet, a sign? I think it’s safe to say we all have been there before.

This is when your faith plays a major role in your life.

Do you have the faith to believe God did what you needed or asked Him to do?

Let me proceed with my story, when God sent my husband and I, an unexpected visitor…

When God sends you an unexpected visitor.

Move In Day

Ryan and I just moved into our new home, as husband and wife, on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. It’s Las Vegas, so when I say beautiful, that means we beat the heat. His family and I just finished moving everything in, and we settled on the couch (Thanks, Uncle Adam and Mary Ann!) for some rest.

I decided to take advantage of the relaxing time and plug-in our cable and internet that I picked up days before moving. Because of COVID-19, the cable company gave us the material and instructions to do on our own. Okay, easy enough!

After several attempts to connect everything, it wasn’t working. Yes, I know how to read instructions, and yes, I know how to implement steps and connect the parts and plugs, etc. etc.! This is not your girl’s first rodeo of adulting! Needless to say, the cable box was not connecting to my T.V.

This is when God sent an unexpected visitor.

After moments of me saying, I am going to call our cable company to let them know the cable box isn’t connecting, our doorbell rang! Please keep in mind, we just moved into our house and we didn’t really announce it to anyone the day we were moving. So we were all surprised when the doorbell rang! I will say we all just looked at each other for a long moment because we had no idea who it could be!

Again, it was our unexpected visitor!

Ryan answers the door and I hear a man’s voice say, “Hi, is this Victoria’s house?” At that point, I am confused, puzzled, and baffled that someone is asking for me. I am literally asking myself, “WHO IS THAT?”

Lo and behold, it was a worker from our cable company!

Now when I say, I was flabbergasted! I was FLABBERGASTED!

I DID NOT make an appointment for that day. Nor did the cable company ever ask me to make an appointment when I picked up the materials days before. Nothing was mentioned about anyone coming out to the house! There was not a single cell in my body that thought someone from the cable company would be over!

The man was even stunned by my reaction! I felt like King David rejoicing in the streets!

The Lord knew!

God sent an unexpected visitor RIGHT ON TIME!

My mother-in-law even declared, “That’s Jesus!”

This unexpected visitor also played a role in my faith.

Not only did this man show up right on time, but he also wasn’t wearing a mask or gloves. We are in the middle of a pandemic, and this man had no protective gear on! And he asked me, “May I come in?” Without hesitation, I said, “Yes! Come in!” still amazed he showed up when he did. (Thank you, Jesus!)

But when I reflected later that night with my husband on how God sent a man right on time, the Holy Spirit also put a couple of things in perspective for me.

Am I willing to let Christ enter all parts of my life?

When I think about the question, “May I come in?” it strikes a chord with me because I think about all the times Jesus has asked me that question.

May I come in and help you with your worries?

May I come in and help you with your frustration and anger?

May I come in and help you with your direction of life?

May I come in and help you understand that relationship you’re in?

May I come in and help you with your area of weakness?

The list can go on and on…..

We do not have to go through life alone. We have God our Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to walk alongside us. Jesus, himself, asked, “What do you want me to do for you?” We just have to answer Him. We have a God with incredible kindness. Are you willing to let Christ in for all areas of your life? (Perspective).

Am I willing to let anyone enter our home?

Ryan and I made a promise to God that we will serve the Lord in our house. We will open our home to anyone who needs a community, wants to join our Bible study, or simply just needs a place to go. Our home will be a place where Christ is the head of our household.

Our home is a place to encourage one another to grow in our faith, to strengthen our walk with Christ, to challenge each other, and to hold each other accountable. We do not have everything figured out, we are not perfect, but WE LOVE THE LORD! I want everyone to know the love God has for us and the gift of Jesus.

In other words, we know there will be believers and nonbelievers who enter our home. Our home will not be a place of judgment but come as you are. This man came “uncleaned” to our house. Are you willing to let anyone enter your home? (Perspective)

God can use any scenario to enhance your faith.

Although this story may not seem like much to many of you, it made my faith come alive. And it also made me put things into perspective. I think it’ necessary not to let our faith be at a standstill, and situations like this just make me smile and say, “Yes, Lord. Thank you!”

Why can’t I say that God heard my voice? Why can’t I believe God sent this man right on time?

Because guess what… I DO!

And what makes this story even more faith filled…

The man’s name was, GABRIEL!!!

Can I just get a shout of a Hallelujah!!!! Ya’ll, God is still alive and active!!! God is just amazing on how he can use people to remind you that He is still here!

So, in short, Ryan and I have the faith to believe this incident was not a coincidence. We like to say God sent Gabriel the Angel to us! Our first unexpected visitor, no protective gear, and we were willing to let him in! This is confirmation that we will use our home to let GOD BE KNOWN to all people! Ryan and I will never forget that day! It was the start of our journey in our new home.

If any of you have stories where God showed up, please share them in the comments below. I love reading how God is working in other’s lives. I love reading about the presence of God. And I just love reading about other’s faith. So please, let God be known!

When God shows up right on time.  God can use any scenario to enhance your faith

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