How To Be Quarantined Inspired during COVID-19

Quarantined Inspired

How to be inspired during quarantine may seem like a difficult thing to do. Let’s be honest here, how long has the country been quarantined? I don’t know about you, but being stuck in the house 24/7 can cause you to drown in boredom or can cause you to rise to be inspired. I prefer to be the latter of the two (at least I like to think so.) But perhaps you have been inspired to learn a new skill, try a new recipe, or complete that unfinished project. For me, it is to finally start my blog. I can say I have been QUARANTINED INSPIRED!

So here I am, finally launching my first blog post. I must admit that creating a blog is A LOTTTTTTT more work than I EVER anticipated. Blogging is a world of its own! And I did not live on that planet. I had zero knowledge on how to operate WordPress, what plugins and widgets were, or how to make Yoast SEO happy! Let alone all the themes and designs that make your blog unique to you. It is seriously never-ending!

Let’s just say, I RESPECT all bloggers who start their own blog from the ground up!

I definitely need to thank YouTube University because this is where I learned everythinggggg! I watched countless videos, constantly pressed stop, and play over and over again, for days. MORE LIKE WEEKS! I especially need to thank Ben ( I feel like I know you!) for helping me get to where I am now. I am definitely not an expert by any means, and I am still learning this new blogging world, but I couldn’t have done it without Youtube! Youtube degrees! Thank you!

But why go through all that just to start a blog?!?

Especially during quarantine, I mean I could do Tik Tok videos or binge watch tv all day…right? Please don’t get me wrong, I definitely did do that for a week or two, but I wanted to do more. I could not just keep scrolling, mindlessly, both, on my cellphone and tv. Let’s just say I was disgusted by my Screen Time!

So to answer that question of why go through all that just to start a blog? It’s simple. My journey. My journey to where I am now is what inspired me! And I want to share my journey with others. Photos only capture a portion of your life. I want to document my feelings, my thoughts, and my experiences. Actually have something to go back to and read!

But I know, I know, we all have a journey Victoria.  Why is yours so special? Why would I want to read about your life? I’ll be the first to say it may not be special to others or interesting to others, but it is special to me.  It is special enough to inspire me to start a blog. It inspired me to write….for me.

I was QUARANTINED INSPIRED! What better time but now!

We may never experience this again in our lifetime. We may never have this amount of time at home ever again. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to come out of this quarantine as the same person. The same person with the same knowledge and the same skills. I want to be able to say, although I was stuck in the house, quarantine stretched me from my comfort zone. During quarantine, I learned and did something new.

Below are some easy questions to ask yourself to help you become inspired, or to help you simply take advantage of this stay-at-home order.

How to be Quarantined Inspired

1. What do you always put off?

The first thing to ask yourself is that question, “What do I always put off?” or you might say, “I don’t have time to do this.” I don’t know about you, but I always think there is not enough time in the day. 24 hours just doesn’t seem like a lot of time, and I don’t even have kids! My now, husband, will be the first to tell you my famous word is “when???” “When am I going to have the time to do that!” I think we all can say we have more than enough time during this quarantine to get stuff done. Almost too much time!

2. Do you have a To-Do or Checklist?

We all have those to-do lists in our minds, but sometimes they rarely get past that phase. At least for me! Or maybe it is easy to complete one task, but now you are too tired to move to the next one. Whatever it is, write it down, post it somewhere and start crossing out some of those tasks. You will begin to feel accomplished. For me, I went through my makeup, cleaned my brushes, and organized my makeup desk. Then I went through my dresser drawers and closet. Right now is the perfect time to Spring Clean! Get rid of those clothes that are hanging in the back! Put them in a bag and donate them.

3. What is something new you want to learn?

Now is the time to learn something new and do something new! We have more time than ever right now! We aren’t leaving our houses for gatherings, sports events, concerts, amusement parks, vacations, work, shopping, getting our hair done, going to the gym…I mean, the list goes on. NOW IS THE TIME! Now is the time to take advantage of this quarantine to LEARN and DO that thing you always wanted! What have you been thinking of doing, but you never actually thought you would have the chance or time to do it! Learning Spanish is still something I want to learn (I think I have said this my whole life now).

4. Where is your 2020 New Year’s Resolution list?

The year is not over! 2020 may not look like what you thought, but that should not stop you! You should still accomplish your 2020 goals. You may not be able to do all of your goals, or you may have to wait if it consisted of traveling, vacations, live events, etc. But what about those little goals that you can do in your home? My 2020 list consists of drinking more water, memorizing scripture, and reading more books. I can easily accomplish those goals during this quarantine. My blog has been on my New Year’s Resolution list for 2 years now, and I am finally going to be able to cross that off!!!

So friends, this how I am able to launch my first blog post. I finally found the time! I no longer had the excuse of saying, “WHEN!?!?” Please, let me know… have you been QUARANTINED INSPIRED? Share your thoughts in the comments below! I would love to hear what has inspired you during quarantine!

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