How Quarantine Helped Me Create A New Habit

How Quarantined Helped Me Create A New Habit

Creating new habits is not as easy as it seems. I’m sure we all have heard that it only takes 21 days to create a habit, which seems so unrealistic! I don’t know about you, but I can always find an excuse for everything. An excuse for not working out. An excuse for not waking up early. An excuse for eating fast food. And my BIGGEST excuse was that I did not have enough time to spend with God by reading His word.

This has always been a battle that I had. I WANT to read my Bible. I KNOW I should read my Bible, yet I couldn’t find the time to do so (so, I would say.)

I am literally having Apostle Paul* moments to some extent. (*start at verse 14, if you clicked)

I would find myself doing really well when I had Bible study, or even reading on my own in the morning before work a few days or reading before bed a couple of nights in a row, but never consistent enough. Not enough to create a habit. Not enough to make it part of my daily routine. And no, opening my Bible at Sunday service did not count, or reading the daily verse on my bible app when it would pop up at 7 am.

It wasn’t until quarantine, that I was able to fully give my attention to God and His word.

Create a new habit

Of course, I still had my work tasks to complete, but as we all know, work was a lot different. And still is.

But needless to say, the stay-at-home order, allowed me to reprioritize tasks in my life. I was able to refocus on the one who is in control of all things. God and His living word.

I finally felt free to open my Bible for a long period of time without having to worry about what was next. For once, I felt not rushed. I didn’t feel like I needed to speed read through scripture because I needed to go about my day. I was no longer distracted by my daily life. I had more free time than I ever had before!

And, WOW, did I feel free!

Not free because I had more time, but free because I was with God!

Quarantine allowed me to be closer to God than I have ever had in my life!

I know Him.

Now I yearn to spend time with Him. I feel like something is missing if I miss a day or two. Hey, it still happens, but very far and few between!

I feel lost if I don’t get in His word.

My soul needs the Lord.

I am more satisfied and more complete.

Although I have been a Christian for very a long time, it took a pandemic for me to really dive deep into His Word, and hey, I’m okay with that. Our Father wants us to start now! It doesn’t matter about all the shoulda, woulda, coulda’s. Start now!

After all, my word for 2020 is “intentional.” I am more intentional with God because I choose to be. I choose to set alone time with Him. I choose to be in His presence. Not for a Bible study, or Sunday Service, but because I am choosing to make God’s Word a priority in my life.

So What Habit(s) Do You Need To Create?

I encourage you to use this time that’s left of quarantine or stay-at-home initiatives to obtain your goal or to create that habit you been yo-yo-ing with before normalcy is in full effect. But most importantly, what habit have you not created in your faith? Maybe you pray always, but fail to open His word ( like me.) Perhaps you read Christian books, but you don’t read THE WORD. Or even something simple as guarding your ears more by listening to Christian music rather than listening to secular music.

Whatever it is, for such a time as this!

Create a new habit

What new habits have you created during this time? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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